During the midnight at 10:15 PM.
A boy and his sister are sitting on the couch and playing on the iPad together.
“Um...hey when does mom and dad come home?” ask Lisa.
“Don’t worry Lisa, they’ll be home in no time, I guess” said Mark.
“Hey, how do you think and feel when you read horror stories Mark?” ask Lisa.
“What, you mean those Creepypastas...well sometimes if I chose the stories that’re” said Mark.
After a few minutes later, they’ve all go and do all of their own works, Mark goes to his room and started to do his homework while Lisa sits downstairs and watches television.
“Hmmm. How do we do this?” Mark tries and thinks and thinks when suddenly he heard a cracking sound outside of him window.
“Huh?” Mark turns around seeing that there’s nothing outside just a broken branch, he turns back into doing his homework.
In the meantime, Lisa while she’s watching the television the door knocks.
Knock, knock, knock.
She turns around.
“Who is it?” ask Lisa as when a sound from the door replied.
“Yes, I’m here to collect your depth please...um sir, madam is you still home?” ask a voice of a man, Lisa since her parents told her that she isn’t allowed to opened door for strangers she just sits back and focused on her favorite TV show.
“Um. Hey, is anyone in there?” ask the man, Lisa still ignores him “I know there are peoples in there...hello?” Lisa still ignores his words until “Hey are you gonna come out or not?!” the man speaks again but this time the voice was sort of demonic and monstrous Lisa looks at the door all of a sudden as she stood up and walks at it, she looks through the window as it shows a man who is dressed up in a bartender suit, he wears grey shades, his hair is blonde and he is smoking however Lisa looked at him in confused.
“(W-wait, wasn’t the sound I heard just now coming from him, was he the one who speaks out that horrible sound?)” Lisa thoughted as she rushes directly into her brother’s room.
“Huh? Lisa what’re you doing here?” ask Mark.
“Mark, someone is standing outside and he’s wearing a bartender outfit, he said that he’s here to collect a so called “depth”” said Lisa, Mark looked at Lisa for a while as he sighs.
“Oh god, seriously, Lisa go back to watch TV I’ll be talking to him” said Mark, Lisa take his words and went back to continue watch her favorite television while Mark walks at the front door and opens it.
“Yes, are you the depth collector our parents were mentioning?” ask Mark, the man looked at him.
“Ah, you must be their son, yes, I’m here to collect the money” said Mark.
“I’m sorry sir, but our parents went out for a party, it would take them at-least an hour to be back, think you can have that much time?” ask Mark the man stares at him with a look of a disappointed person and at the same time aggressive he just sighs, turns around and walks off.
“Nah, I don’t have much time to be standing here and waiting I’ll be back to collect my depth tomorrow you tell your parents that” said the man, Mark stands there and stares at him and then was about to shut the door when suddenly the man stopped and looks to the right side of the area he’s in, Mark also stopped as he looks at the depth collector.
“Hey kid, you’re a fan of the Slenderman or what?” ask the depth collector.
“Huh? Well not really, we usually tell scary stories about him actually, why you ask?” ask Mark, the depth collector points his finger on the right side of the tree, Mark turns around as it reveals to be trees, fallen leaves and some sounds of crickets and howls of wolves someplace deep in the woods, Mark looked back at him in confused with his eyes narrowed.
“I don’t get it, what exactly are you pointing at?” ask Mark, the depth collector just puts his hands into his pockets as he turns around and walks forward at a nearby tree and then points to it again, Mark this time saw that there was a symbol that is somewhat carved or maybe drawn by somebody, it is a circle and it was X out, Mark soon realized what it was and tries his best to think of that it can’t be real “*sighs* I think it must’ve been one of the campers who visits the area” said Mark, the depth collector stayed silence for a while as he turns back at Mark and walks at him.
“Hey kid, here’s an advice one, you grab your sister and get out of this area and wait for day to come, two you erased that mark out of the tree right this instant, it’s a fair warning you know, well that’s all I’ll be leaving then” said the man as he walks off for real, Mark looks at him in confused and his eyes were narrowed he just sighs and closes the door.
After that Mark and his sister all went to sleep, he putted his sister onto her bed and says goodnight to her and then walks to his room.
After a few minutes have pass by Mark suddenly awakes as he got up from bed and start to scratch his hair.
“Urgh...argh” Mark starts to feel like that there is something unusual that is happening to him, it is as if his head is starting to feel pain, he got out of bed and walks outside but suddenly “mm... ARGH!” he began to hear a large sound coming inside of his head, Mark falls down as his vision began to see varies of things that’re unnormal and very creepy, his visions began to shift into scenes of the forest where he was living in however the background of the forest is rather to have allot of fogs, the trees doesn’t have any leaves at all their all dead trees and it is black and white at the same time he is seeing that there is a man standing right in-front of him his eyes began to shift again where he is now trapped in the ground and spilling out black substances inside of his mouth when suddenly he heard a voice calling him, it was a very demonic and deep voice.
“Mark...Mark...Mark” Mark turns around all over the place but there was nobody at all, it’s like the voice that is calling out his name is inside of his head and keep on chanting all over and over again, Mark scream as when the voice turned soft into a familiar’s voice.
“Mark! Mark!” his sister as Lisa was calming him down, Mark snaps out of it as he turns and look at his sister “Mark are you alright?” ask Lisa, Mark stares at his sister for a while.
“*sighs* yeah I’m fine, just having some sort of headache only, anyways how long have you been outside anyway?” ask Mark, Lisa looked at him in nervous and worried.
“Well, I was in the middle of sleeping when I saw a strange man...his face was white...no I think his entire body is white and-and when I looked at him, I started to hear allot of sounds calling my name and telling me to follow him” said Lisa, Mark just hugs his sister as he told her to go back to bed.
“Listen Lisa, whatever you saw it’s not real, so relax and get back to bed” said Mark, Lisa just goes back to bed while Mark just stands in one place and looked around.
“*sighs* (Relax Mark, it’s just a bad hallucination, none of it was real)” Mark thoughted as he goes to the toilet to take a piss and goes back to bed.
It was now 3:00 AM in the morning, while Mark was sleeping peacefully, he suddenly heard a noise coming from his sister’s room.
Mark opens his eyes slowly as he got up and the next thing, he heard was his sister’s screaming.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Mark’s eyes widen he got out of bed immediately and rushed to Lisa’s room as it showed that the window of his sister’s room was cracking and what’s coming from it is a black like tentacle it grabs his sister and pulled her directly out of the window, Mark rushes towards and looks outside seeing that the tentacles pulled his sister deep into the forest he climbed out of the window and started to chase the black tentacle as he goes deep into the forest.
“Mark! Help me!” yelled Lisa.
“I’m coming!” yelled Mark while Mark was running, he suddenly noticed that there was something on the trees, it was a symbol that matches with what he saw, and it was the moment he knew what this thing was, it was the so called famous Creepypasta known as The Slenderman, Mark also know how and why did Slenderman had taken away his sister, it’s because he had marked the symbol of Marble Hornets onto the tree during the past few hours earlier in order to have the ability to spectate the area, Mark should’ve taken the advice of the depth collector from earlier and just erased the mark away from it, now he’s very regret from what he’s done.
“HEY STOP!” screamed Mark but the tentacles didn’t stop, Mark suddenly tripped and falls down as when he got up, he lost track of his sister, realizing this Mark shouts out and called for his sister.
“LISA!... LISA!... LISA!” Mark yelled all over and over and over but there was no respond until he noticed that there is a shadow emerges from behind him, he slowly turns around and looked up it was the Slenderman.
“U-u-uh-GIVE BACK LISA YOU MONSTER!” yelled Mark, Slenderman didn’t respond instead he immediately once again gave Mark another heavy headache Mark began to struggle as he falls down while he’s busy struggling Slenderman burst out tendrils from behind his back and prepares to grab Mark but suddenly the headache just went off, Mark slowly opens his hands and looks back what caught him shock was that there was another Slenderman however he was wearing a bartender suit and seemed to be taller than the original Slenderman however the differences is that it has a mouth, it immediately threw my sister towards me and replied with a demonic voice.
“Get out” said the unknown new Slenderman, Mark immediately grabbed his sister and was about to run away when suddenly he looked back at them.
“Hey, mister depth collector” said Mark, the Slendermen who is wearing the bartender suit looks back.
“Goodluck in fighting off with your...uh...counterpart or maybe brother” said Mark as he runs away, the slender being stares at him for a while and then looks back at the Slenderman.
Mark rushes back into the house with his sister as he sat on the couch and waited for a few hours.
After that their parents all came home, Mark and Lisa hug them.
“Hi mom, hi dad!” said Lisa in happily.
“Oh, hi there, did you kids have fun while we’re gone?” ask the mother.
“Yeah, we did have fun” said Mark as he looks outside of the window.
During the next day when Mark was walking out of his house and got on the bus as he looks outside happily when suddenly.
“Hey, Mark I didn’t know you were a fan of Slenderman?” ask his friend, Mark turned and looks at him in confused.
“Huh?” said Mark.
“What don’t tell me you didn’t realized that there was a symbol of Marble Hornets on the backside of your neck, but the differences are that why is there another line that is cross down” Mark immediately looked behind it as it reveals to be a symbol of Marble Hornets however there is a cross line that is point downward and there is another crossline that is pointing left and right on it, this so called symbol that Mark has it on his neck was the reason how the bartender Slendermen manages to track him down, the symbol was known to be DOWNFALL NIGHTS.