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To any narrator who reads this, we recommend providing a link to the story there as well if you plan on reading the story; this isn't required.

Has anyone heard about the Roblox horror game called Dandy’s World by BlushCrunch Studio? Well, I found a scrapped feature that managed to show up in my playthrough, and it was super rare. I thought about sharing this with you all to read your thoughts.
This was way before the holiday characters (Bobette, Coal, Ginger, and Rudie, to be more specific) were added, and according to some sources, this feature was called “Depressed Poppy.” When the toons died from the Twisted Ones, she would become depressed and eventually end it all. This feature was instantly taken out of the game due to being too out of character for Poppy and the effects it caused on those who encountered her in this state, causing her to be replaced with Twisted Poppy and her color scheme eventually being reused for her vintage skin.
You’ve heard that correctly; this feature caused effects on some players, leading to its ultimate removal, and don’t worry, I will tell you what it caused at the very end of this post. Be patient, but I managed to find this feature through a glitch.
I had eight toons in my round, but they all died from the Twisted toons, leaving only two players alive, and the remaining member I had with me was using Poppy... But for some reason, as I was extracting the machines and collecting items, including ichor, the player typed in the chat and said that they’ve got to go and left the game, leaving only me. Now, normally, the toon they’re controlling would be gone by now like everyone else, but for some reason, Poppy was still in the game.
For those curious, we were on the 19th floor and were heading to the 20th one. I heard an odd ambient sound effect; it sounded like a girl uncontrollably sobbing quietly to herself, and when I turned the corner, Poppy was there, and normally this would be her twisted counterpart, but it wasn’t. She behaved similarly to that of Glisten’s twisted counterpart when you see him. Poppy looked noticeably different while looking how she normally is, similar to her vintage skin, but when I looked at her face, she had a very sad expression on her face, and what unnerved me the most was what she was holding.
She was holding what seemed to be a needle; she was staring at it while blinking occasionally.
I tried to be next to her at all costs; I didn’t want her to do what I am thinking she’s going to do, and I occasionally moved away from her to extract the other machines, and when I turned to look at my toon, which is something I normally do to make sure there’s no twisted toon behind me, and for some reason, when I looked at the toon I am controlling, Brightney, she had a very worried expression on her face.
From what I was getting at, I am assuming that whenever Poppy is around, her presence makes my character seem saddened as well or worried. Brightney was looking at her right, with a little cartoonish sweat on her forehead. As I was going to extract the final machine, I quickly stayed around Poppy and kept her calm, then went on ahead to finish off the machine. The elevator opened up, and despite being similar to Twisted Glisten in behavior, Poppy didn’t panic when I was leaving.
She felt happy; she was back to her happy and lighthearted self, and then some dialogue showed up on the screen: “Yippee! Thank you, I feel better!” She was no longer monochrome; she had her original colors back, and the needle in her hand was gone. I left, and I didn’t see Poppy for the remainder of the playthrough, and when I did, it was her twisted counterpart this time.
However, the thing is, that was the last time I saw the glitch, and I wasn’t recording at the time I found it, so you may need to take my word for it. I will definitely attach a render of the model I saw, or at least a representation of it, which is my only piece of evidence of the glitch occurring, but I was still curious about what would’ve happened if I hadn’t comforted Poppy, so I just ended the game right then and there, then collected the ichor I earned, then logged off.
I went on the Dandy’s World subreddit, which wasn’t official, and checked until I found something related to what I saw; I will not say the name of this person to keep them anonymous, but here’s what their post said word for word, which was removed by the moderators of the said subreddit for its violent nature:
“I found this strange bug when I reached a specific floor.
When I reached this floor from the elevator, I heard an ambient sound that was different from the ones heard in normal playthroughs. It was a girl sobbing uncontrollably, and I saw Poppy; she looked different than her usual model and looked like the vintage skin but saddened and holding a needle in her hand.
I avoided her because there was clearly nobody in the round, as the toons I was originally playing with all died, and from what I learned about the twisted toons, which exist to kill the other toons, which are not controlled by players clearly. I avoided her for that reason.
I extracted the machines and collected nearby ichor to get one of the main toons, Vee. As I was doing this, the sobbing was getting louder, and the toon I was playing as, Rodger, had a saddened and worried expression as shown by his eye; I noticed some paranoia in him as he looked aimlessly to the left and right.
When I got to the final machine, I extracted it, and then I heard something that sent shivers down my spine. Normally, there would be a dialogue on the screen whenever the character talks, but while yes, that was on the screen. I heard a female voice that seemed to be what Poppy was supposed to sound like; I heard her shout the following line:
Rodger’s singular eye widened in shock as I controlled him towards the elevator to get off of the floor, and in the middle of the room was Poppy; she had a large grin on her face. She snapped and said the following line in her dialogue:
“Are you leaving me? I am alone! M-My friends are all dead. I can’t take this life anymore, and you never cared about me. You never did.”
Now, I noticed the similarities between this version of Poppy and how Twisted Glisten behaves, but this was different. I watched as Poppy kneeled down on the ground as she held the needle closer to her face, and then I heard it...
All that remained was her pink bow, dress, and the pink and yellow striped socks lying on the ground. The crying then stopped, and Rodger stood there, motionless, despite it being in panic mode, which is where you need to arrive back to the elevator in 30 seconds before it leaves and after the seconds ended. The elevator left, and Rodger instantly died.
I immediately logged off, and to be honest with all of you, I walked to my kitchen, and I took the kitchen knife and then slashed a wound on it. My parents thankfully saw me doing this, and they snatched the knife out of my hand before I had done worse and called the ambulance. I was rushed to the emergency room.
I am currently typing all of this down on my laptop; I am glad my parents saved me from this... I just don’t know why this had to happen to me, and whatever that glitch was, it wasn’t just a glitch; it was something more horrible than that.
Take my post as a cautionary tale, and if you happen to run into the same thing I saw, LOG. OFF. DANDY’S. WORLD. IMMEDIATELY! Or try your best to comfort Poppy when you can; do not repeat what I did…”
After reading that post and telling it to you, I am glad I didn’t do what this guy did, and what’s even more shocking is the fact that the creator, Qwelver, actually came across this post and read it. She was understandably shocked by its nature and found what caused the glitch in the game’s code and then immediately removed it.
She eventually made a shout on the BlushCrunch Studio community on Roblox, and here’s what it said:
“We have received a warning from Roblox themselves, who were made aware of this incident, and we had fixed the glitch in our recent update.
The “Depressed Poppy” feature was originally a thing that was added to the game but was instantly removed for its dark nature. However, the feature was recently discovered in a glitch and caused one of our players to be sent to the emergency room; it also caused one of our developers on the game to quit out of being unnerved by what happened.
The thing is, this feature was added a long time ago by a former developer we once hired and instantly fired after being shocked by the content added by them and the effects it would’ve caused on our players.
For fan-created works based on Dandy’s World, we suggest not recreating the feature because of its association with such an incident.
Thank you for reading.”
Recently after that announcement on the shout message in the group, rumors started to spread that the glitch allegedly caused people to commit suicide, and while I think that’s crazy, these are just rumors made by people; I don’t know if they’re just made to scare people until I eventually checked the news on television.
The reporter recounted that 10 players in a game called Roblox had killed themselves, and that was right after the announcement was made.
Somebody didn’t respect their wishes and remade the feature for their fangame.
Written by JosephTheSnail
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