SpongeBob SquarePants, a kids television series that shaped a lot of our childhoods, for its main cast, its longevity, and ridiculously funny scenes that appear in some episodes, the show has been known for a lot of things being Nickelodeons most famous cartoon for over many years now, but there's just one specific thing that makes the show feel less of a kids show, and more of a horror movie, and that specific thing, is the uncanny feeling of the shows end credits.
End Credits mark the closing segment at the end of every cartoon episode giving credits to the production team and other workers for that show, some examples are shows like Regular Show, Looney Tunes, The Garfield Show, and many others, but SpongeBob SquarePants takes the lead for the most unnerving end credits for a kids show, and I'm going to explain why that is the best I can, so some disturbing topics might be mentioned ahead.
SpongeBob SquarePants is a long running kids show, in fact it's the longest running kids show, the show has changed a lot over time, like the way some newer episode plots differ from older episodes, and the way the animation style changes every season, but the end credits have yet to be changed in any way, the show's writers have not changed the same slow and creepy music ever since the show was introduced, making the end credits more eerie than how they already are.
The end credits were composed by Steve Belfer and Nicolas Carr, two songwriters on the show who have composed many of the show's music, I did some research on my laptop to see what instruments were used in the end credits, but sadly, I got no direct answer, leaving me puzzled on why some instruments I hear sound so familiar.
One thing I have yet to mention was the fact that in some episodes of the show, the end credits are slightly altered to match the tone of the episode, I thought that was a pretty neat idea, when I said that the end credits have yet to change throughout the entire shows history, I meant the normal end credits, not the variations.

A picture I took of the video I saw on YouTube.
There was still something off about this shows end credits, and I wasn't going to stop trying to investigate and find out what it was, I have looked on the internet for answers for so long, but to no avail, until I found something disturbing, it was a YouTube video, where somebody was recording the end credits on their TV, but the end credits sounded extremely off, the pitch was lowered to make it sound slower, and the colors seemed more vibrant, that was probably just their TV's quality but I highly doubt that.
The video lasted a good 11 seconds before it was cut off, I'm not going to be mentioning the channels name but I will describe some of the video, the end credits weren't even finished yet, I did some research on the people mentioned in the credits to see what episode it was, but there was nothing, I couldn't find very helpful information, and I was very lost, I thought of just giving up on the search and to stop worrying because none of it was too important, I clicked on the users YouTube channel and found out that was their only video, they had a custom link attached to their "bio", so I clicked on it and it was a link to another video with the show's end credits, it was from the same person except it was unlisted, meaning that it wasn't exactly visible to the public.
This entire search felt like a C.I.A. mission, looking around for some specific piece of media day and night, I watched the unlisted video and it lasted 15 seconds this time, a little longer than the first video, the end credits didn't say any names, but they did start saying random things, things like "SpongeBob Viacom", "Paramount", "Episode Number", "Missing Child with a reward of 200$", and a picture of the said child was shown, the other stuff was just random typing afterwards.
I was shocked, who knew that one little YouTube video would leave me in such confusion, it wasn't even 20 seconds, and I was, of course, filled with questions, I decided to give up on the search here because who knows what else I'd get myself into, after doing all of that, I stopped using my laptop for a couple of days because I felt like that was a sign from God, telling me to get off that hell of a device, so I listened to him, and I'm glad I now know that I should stay away from the internet for now.
Written by RhemzT